African Queen afro-chic fashion Leitch social enterprise

African Queen – socially conscious accessories

After viewing some art at Gallery 2 earlier today, I popped into African Queen in The Parks Centre. African Queen sells beautiful fashionable items, ranging from the most afro-fabulous leather bags, purses, belts, stationery, clothes and home-ware. The bags have it-bag potential – they are well designed and striking, some with bead details. They are all in the afro-chic mode, without being over the top.

Big Mama Red Leather

Though there are one or two bags, like the Nguni cow hide and the in-your-face animal print bags, that hearken back to dated ideas about what constitutes African design.

Nguni Big Mama

All the items sold in the store are handmade in South Africa. The founder of the business, Nicola Leitch, is also driven by a social mission. According to the store’s brochure, employees can work at home, saving on childcare and transport costs, and a percentage of turnover is donated to orphanages and feeding schemes in Southern African communities.

Mama Clutch with Tassle Silver Leather

I must mention that the sales lady in the Parkwood store is impossibly vivacious! I enjoyed the time I spent there.

African Queen stores can be found at 9 The Parks, corner of Jan Smuts and Wells in Parkwood Johannesburg and Shop 4 Gowrie Village Nottingham Road KZN Midlands.


All pictures by African Queen.