You are invited by Wits University Press to the launch of the New South African Review 6: The Crisis of Inequality
Editors: Gilbert M Khadiagala; Sarah Mosoetsa; Devan Pillay and Roger Southall
Despite the transition from apartheid to democracy, South Africa is the most unequal country in the world. Its extremes of wealth and poverty undermine intensifying struggles for a better life for all. The wide-ranging essays in this sixth volume of the New South African Review demonstrate how the consequences of inequality extend throughout society and the political economy, crippling the quest for social justice, polarising the politics, skewing economic outcomes and bringing devastating environmental consequences in their wake.
Discussants: Sarah Mosoetsa, Roger Southall & Neva Makgetla
Date: Tuesday 27 March 2018 17:30 for 18:00
Venue: South West Engineering Building, Graduate Seminar Room Wits University, Braamfontein, Johannesburg (Parking at Origins Centre, Yale Road)
RSVP by Monday 26 March 2018 to
More info about the book click here.
Author: WITS